Work with Kylie

Harnessing the power of small steps for lasting change

Chronic Stress, trauma and hardships can affect mind, mood and body. The great news? By understanding the root causes and recognising their symptoms, you can develop practical tools to support your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 

This approach can help you navigate everyday challenges and find balance and resilience across all aspects of your life and wellbeing. 

Mind-Body Connection Workshop

Explore the link between food and mood in this in 2.5-hour Mind-Body Connection In-Person Workshop. Discover how dietary choices can influence your brain, mood and mental health. Learn practical ways to incorporate supportive foods into your diet. Delve into the gut-micobiome-brain communication pathways (including the vagus nerve) and understand how disruptions can affect stress responses. Conclude with a beginner-friendly yoga session designed to balance the nervous system and support gut health.

$35.00 AUD

  • 2.5- hour immersive workshop 
  • Practical nutrition and mind-body tools to implement
  • A beginner-friendly yoga practice designed for the nervous system 
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Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms? 


Digestive Issues

IBS, SIBO, pain, constipation or bloating. 

Disrupted Sleep

Difficulty falling or staying asleep or not feeling well-rested.

Low Energy

Feeling burnt out, stuck, flat or lack motivation.

Chronic Stress

Anxiety, fear, emotional overwhelm, muscle tension or can't switch off.

I work with busy individuals experiencing nervous system dysregulation, chronic stress, low mood and burnout  by delving into the root causes. Together, we explore underlying factors contributing to your wellbeing, focusing on lifestyle medicine principle such as stress management, restorative sleep, healthy eating habits, enjoyable movement and balanced lifestyle. By identifying and addressing the root causes , we create a foundation for lasting resilience and empower you to thrive in all aspects of your life

More About Me

Wellbeing Services 

Available online and in-person

Balanced Mind-Body Program


Experience a transformative 21-day program that explores the connection between your mind, body and microbiome. Learn lifestyle habits to regulate stress, support your mood and enhance your overall wellbeing.

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Wellbeing Coaching 


Ready to move beyond quick fixes and find lasting change? Kylie offers coaching with lifestyle prescriptions and dedicated support. Using principles of lifestyle medicine, she helps you find tools to optimise your wellbeing.

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Yoga for your Nervous System


Join in-person or online yoga sessions to learn emotional regulation, develop a healthy relationship with rest and balance your nervous system, all while empowering you to take control of your wellbeing.

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What can you expect from Kylie's wellbeing approach?

Kylie views wellbeing as a balanced state, utilising practices to cultivate homeostasis (balance) to improve wellbeing and prevent illness. Embracing lifestyle medicine's philosophy, she aims to empower individuals in restoring and maintaining balance —something she likes to refer to as finding your "Even Flow."

Discover how your diet influences your mood and use nutrition to support mental health. Build a healthy relationship with food, emphasise gut health and the microbiome and create a balanced, fulfilling life that integrates nourishment with holistic wellbeing.

Chronic stress and adversity can leave your nervous system dysregulated, impacting both your physical and emotional health. The positive news is that you can achieve emotional stability, enhance relationships and enjoy a more balanced life without extreme ups and downs.

By leveraging coaching science insights, guide clients in shifting mindsets and behaviours to foster enduring habits seamlessly integrated into daily life. This approach supports positive change, promoting sustained growth in mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

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